Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Rewarding Spiritual Journey

The 40 Days of Purpose campaign organised by our church drew its curtain on 10 August with a celebration service. We can read more about this on our GMC 40DOP Blog. On reflection, I have personally enjoyed a rewarding spiritual journey throughout this 40 days.

At the launch of the campaign, I was a reluctant participant. I knew of the demands of the campaign and at that time Siew Yew was still recovering from her illness. Bible taught me to be submissive to the "authority" and make the burden of our leaders light, so I signed up as a participant, and so did Siew Yew. Little did we realise that we ended up getting involved in three small groups! I now appreciate that we need to make ourselves available before God can use us. This is important because God wants to use us (imperfect we may be) to reach out to his children, especially those who have yet to know Him. I thank God that at the conclusion of this campaign, one of our small group member decided to take up bible study (she gave a testimony on Sunday), and another two groups will continue to meet separately on Wednesday morning and Saturday night. There are a number of non Christian friends in these two groups and I see the power of the Holy Spirit working within them. Praise the Lord that both Siew Yew and I can play a part in their journey to seek God.

I did not take any photo during the Sunday Celebration service, because I wanted to try out my newly acquired camcorder. I will post the video clips progressively (it takes a long time to post one video). Last night I posted the video clip of the drama performed by our i-Youth. They are really talented, especially our dear sister Alyssa who can act and dance so well (in the video she's the girl being tempted by all kind of evils who finally returned to God). I was overwhelmed by their performance and the message they conveyed. May God continue to bless our youths and use them mightily for His Kingdom.


Vivien said...

Drama credits rightfully due to : GODTUBE.COM >>

Yes, the team did a good job too.

Andy Chew said...

Indeed. Thanks for pointing out. I found that there are many drama performance around the world using the same script. But it's ok, our youth did a splendid job!

Katherine said...

Andy and Siew Yew.... thanks for all the encouragement and guidance during our discussion in the small group. Glad that I joined this "Spiritual Journey" to make me a step closer to GOD. Praise the LORD!